A unique self-propelled sprayer especially designed and manufactured to treat tall crops such as maize, oil seed rape or sun flowers. The Sapphire VT2 is unique and not a standard build machine which has been adapted to have higher ground clearance! The VT2 has a ground clearance of 200cm and excellent stability, this has been achieved by mounting twin 2000 litre (4000 litre total) tanks in between the front and rear wheels on each side of the machine. When the hydraulically powered axle track adjustment 210cm – 310cm moves the tanks also move, making the VT2 the most stable machine with 200cm ground clearance available. As with the other Sapphire machines a quiet high specification cabin which has an air bag mounting to the chassis is standard. As is all-round self-levelling axle air suspension system which maintains a stable and consistent ride height as the sprayer tanks fill or empty and the anti-roll system provides good stability in the field or on the road. Perkins 200hp, 225hp or 255hp Tier V final 6-cylinder engine provides power to the hydrostatic drive and 340/85 R46 wheels.
Slip control
406 l/m 6 cylinder diaphragm pump
Hydraulic driven fast fill pump
Independent boom variable geometry
Muller DGPS auto spray section control
Muller auto boom levelling
Reversing camera
Many more options available
To discuss any product within our range please contact our sales team:
Farmgem Ltd